Forget Spotify, I miss my iPod

I was watching the Tragically Hip documentary (finally) over the weekend, when all of a sudden, one thing struck me. I haven’t listened to the Hip for a while. As the documentary (highly…
Rrampt’s Great Canadian Travel Guide
We love to travel here at Rrampt. Hell, the ‘t’ in Rrampt stands for travel. Right from the start we’ve raved about all the day trips, staycations and experiences within Grey Bruce Simcoe. But…
Retreats to Rrave About: From A to Zen
They were calling it The Polar Vortex – a swirling expanse of low-pressure cold air sent down from the North Pole, bringing temps down to -20C in the hill country outside of…
Rrampt’s DIY Après Ski Guide
Photo: Slim Aarons/Getty Images
Birding, Photos & Waterfowling: The Photography of Ryan Campbell
Rr: At first glance, there’s an obvious love for light in your work that strikes the viewer. In a locale that’s been called the sunset capital of the world in years past, what about the…
Elora Cook’s In the Company of Killers is a romantic thriller you won’t want to put down
Before you open Elora Cook’s new novel take a deep breath because it’s a non-stop, action-packed story of twists and turns that you are not going to want to put down. And if you have a…
The Original Owen Sound Jam Band
It’s late in the year 2000, you’re at the Dark Side of Jason’s Pub in Owen Sound at 1am on a Friday night. The regular musical residents, Rob Elder, Pete Devlin and Joel Morelli are tearing up…
Backroads and Winter Blahs: The worst possible route from Creemore to Clarksburg
“One… two… three… four.”, I count as each drop of vitamin D, squeezed from the little white bottle, lands on my sublingual papilla. It’s snowy and miserable outside in the January…
Banned in Florida: Jeff Woods releases wildly engaging new book Being Bi
Memoir and Manifesto. That is how Jeff Woods describes his informative, engaging and wide-ranging new book, Being Bi. It is a powerful and ambitious statement. Books can change lives and…
Time Flies When You’re Having Fun
Time is an incredible thing and something that, even as I’m able to enjoy more and more of it, feels as though it makes less and less sense. If Dazed and Confused were to be made today, it…